
My name is Ryan, and am I am pursuing a Computer Network Operations degree at Lane. I am currently in my second year in the program, and plan finish my degree by the end of summer. I’m from Seattle and have only recently been adventuring around Oregon. I like most outdoor activities, watching sports, and have gotten into photography over the past few years. I posted a picture I took over spring break from Disneyland of Slinky Dog during a parade. I think technical writing will help me in my career by showing me who to properly read and write professionally. Documenting processes and procedures are common in the career path that I am choosing. What are some of your hobbies?


Slinky Dog

Slinky Dog from Toy Story

13 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Hello Ryan, my name is Meredith and welcome to WR 227. I really like the picture you posted, Toy Story meets the electronic world. Ryan, what got you interested in computer networking?
    Some of my hobbies include gardening, studying human anatomy and physiology, and running around with my chihuahua named Ham.

    • Hi Meredith,

      I got interested in computer networking because of my interest in technology in general. I tried to go into computer programming, but am not enough of a problem solver for that line of work. Thank you for your comment on my post!


  2. Hi Ryan, my name is Jamie. Your slinky dog is pretty cool! Good luck on your future career in Computer Network Operations, I’m hoping this class will help me become more current in this technical world we live in. So this class must be second nature to you then?
    Some of my hobbies are, jet skiiing, atv riding, gardening, and keeping involved in my kids sports. Thanks for asking 🙂

    • Hi Jamie, thank you for your comment on my post. The technology side of it is pretty second nature, but unfortunately, blogging is not.

  3. Hey Ryan, I’m Adam. I like the Slinky dog picture and how you got right to the point with your blog post. To answer your question I am an avid Board gamer.

  4. Ryan, congrads on being so close to getting your program finished at Lane. What a accomplishment. It’s great you are going into the world of computers and networking, I believe that computers are a safe career choice and the demand will only grow. I hope you enjoy Oregon, we are similar yet unique from Seattle. At least the rain won’t scare you. I notice you like sports, and now living in Eugene is it safe to think you might be a Duck fan?

    • Hi Erin, yes I am quite the Duck fan. Thank you for commenting on my post!

  5. Is the picture of the “Slinky Dog” the work you are interest in creating? It sounds like your career/degree choice would be difficult. I am not a big tech guy but I see the value in what we are learning and applying it to our careers. Technology and computers are advancing every day it seems and us who are not in the industry are suppose to stay caught up.
    What does a person with a computer network operations degree do? It there a place where you would like to work specifically?
    I also enjoy sports and the outdoors. Anything that requires me to be physically active I am game.

    • Hi Brandon, sorry for the confusion, I definitely forgot to write about the picture. I have a keen interest in photography and it was just a picture I took recently. Professions in the degree are broad from network engineers to system administrators. In the Eugene area, I would like to work for the University of Oregon because it is such a big enterprise. Thank you for commenting on my post!

  6. Hey Ryan,

    I see you like slinky dog. I too like slinky dog.

    Interesting major, what do you hope to do with it eventually? Are you planning on transferring after graduating, and if so, where? Is Seattle’s coffee all it’s cracked up to be?

  7. Hi, Ryan!
    I’m going around and leaving feedback on everyone’s blogs now.
    Congratulations on learning how to do categories!
    Make sure you don’t leave the line “ Just another Edublogs site.” From your dashboard, toward the top middle, look directly below “Choose your theme“ and click on “Customize the look of your theme.”
    A panel will open on the left. Look for “Site title, tagline, and logo.”
    Click on the arrow, and you can change the name of your blog if you want to, but definitely add a tagline. That is a “subtitle” and can be anything catchy from “This Titan Does Tech” to “My time to shine.” Feel free to be appropriately creative.

    Make sure to proofread. You tend to write run-on sentences,such as, “My name is Ryan and am I am pursuing a Computer Network Operations degree at Lane.”
    Here is a video to refresh:
    Learn four major comma rules. This video covers the following comma rules: 1) Using commas in a series, 2) Using commas with coordinate adjectives, 3) Using a comma with a conjunction, and 4) Using a comma after an introductory phrase.
    Or you can work with a tutor–email them to talk about remote tutoring
    Close editing is essential.
    Every blog post is required to include at least one image, and that image should refer to the content of your blog post and be correctly attributed. Include a source caption for every image. That information is here:
    I see you have done a “cute” image, which is fine to start; however, it also tends to sidestep the technical writing skill of learning correct attribution. You also don’t refer to it in your post, so I am unclear what point it is supposed to demonstrate.

    I post feedback on your blog and your grade on Moodle where you can see it by clicking on “grades. You are welcome to revise within seven days for a higher grade. Make sure to Moodle message me when you want to to return to take a second look at your blog, okay?

    Thanks–you’re off to a great start!

  8. Love the Slinky dog! I am also in the Computer Network Operations program, I wonder if we have any classes together! That is cool that you are from Seattle, I haven’t been since I was little, but I remember being very enamored. For fun I like playing video games, reading, and when weather allows, mobbing around outside. Do you have a few favorite outdoor activities? Are you more Mountain or Coast inclined?

    • Hello, are you in your second year as well in net ops? I pretty much like all outdoor activities…I haven’t done anything I haven’t liked so far. Hiking is definitely my favorite because I like seeing new places. I would say that I’m in the middle, I don’t think I could pick one over the other. There’s much to like about living in the northwest, however I do being in the ocean. Thank you for commenting on my post!

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