Blog Post #2

Technical writing is important in the field of Computer Network Operations because of documentation, proposals/requests, and emailing. Processes and procedures must be documented with clarity and accuracy because of it’s complexity as well as on-boarding and off-boarding employees. As a system administrator, you are often delegated the task of project management. As a part of the process in this, creating proposals for new equipment or software must be given to those who are higher up than you. Working in a large enterprise or corporation, you must remain with those in administrative positions (directors, chief information officers, etc.) as well as vendors. It is important to keep emails to those positions professional and concise.

example of documentation

Example of documentation for the Student Help Desk at Lane. Image obtained from:

In my search for a professional blog, I chose a technology blog in which I keep up with called Gizmodo. Majority of the articles posted on this site contain an image or animation pertaining to the topic the article. I like the design of this site because it is simple, yet professional. Having a white background for me is easy as a reader because of contrast and it allows images to stand out instead of blending into it. The main page is well designed with a short excerpt of the article itself and an image.

homepage of

Example of a blog I like, Gizmodo’s homepage. Image obtained from

I would say that the style of my blog is semi-professional. I have only recently chosen a them and have not yet customized it. With the first assignment, my primary concern was getting the assignment done on time and did not realize I there was a way to change the theme of my blog. Setting up my first blog did not cause too much trouble. However, I was confused on how to get the class widget on my profile.

In other areas in your professional career, why do you think technical writing is important?


7 thoughts on “Blog Post #2

  1. Ryan,

    I like the theme of your blog. You are right it is easy to read due to the contrast. And I like that it is simple. What made you want to go into computer network operations?
    That sounds like it is very tough! I wish you all the luck in finishing school and in your career 🙂
    I like that you included a picture of the blog that you found! It looks like it really fits you.
    I am working on being a dental hygienist. I believe that technical writing is important in dentistry so we can write charts and everyone has the same information about a certain patient and all the work that they have had done. You don’t want the patient to have to remember all the work they had done and on which teeth. That is our job! So I think that it is important to keep tabs of that. And of course with every job comes a resume. I think that technical writing will really help with knowing how to correctly write a resume. That is how you get the job in the first place!

  2. Hi Ryan!
    It was very difficult to find where to leave a comment for your post, I’m not sure why. Anyway, you’re post is very precise and easy to navigate. I can read everything very easily. I like the use of your photos and the screen shot. Is there instructions on how to caption a screen shot image? For my career choice (hopefully one day) technical writing is very important. I want to go into dental hygiene and dealing with patient’s charts with health history, etc you need to be able to follow a certain guideline and make sure everything is done correctly. it effects every person in every step if the recording is not done right!
    By they way, thanks for your help today! I’m sure I will be back and it won’t be when you’re supposed to leave!

  3. Hi Ryan
    I forgot to mention that you spelled theme wrong in your last paragraph! You forgot the last “E”.

  4. Ryan, your choice of theme for your blog is elegant and professional. I like the green lines between your subjects on the right of the page. The gray hyperlinks are pleasing to the eye as well. Computer Network Operations sounds like a very challenging, yet rewarding career. The photos you provided were helpful and pertained to your post, however, were they attributed correctly?
    Gizmodo is a really interactive website. I understand why you chose it. I like how there is always something new happening on it. I agree with you on having a white background; it is easier to read.
    In my field, nursing or medical, technical writing is important in so many ways. I think one of the main reasons is that transferring information, about a patient, to another medical professional is so vital in this field. Everyone must keep track of what is happening for each patient. We have to keep everyone safe and secure. We also have to keep ourselves safe, and reading charts of patients and leaning they might have a certain diseases will help us interact with the patient, or know what tests to run, or even look for certain symptoms. Thanks for asking Ryan.

  5. Ryan,
    I liked how you simplified the tasks association with Computer Network Operations. Initially one might have no idea what Computer Network Operations is and much less what one does in that field. You exceeded in this by giving detailed examples of how one might use technical writing in your field. Many of the tasks you named sound like you would need to be clear in your writing and communication. Is this true?
    For the website Gizmodo I would like to know what makes it simple, yet professional to you? I did enjoy the animations that were posted in relation to the articles. Is this where you got the idea for your images?
    Unlike yourself I have I few issues in setting up my blog. I have never used a lot of social media before except for myself years ago so this was a challenge for me. I did not get the class widget up on my page until I seen one of our classmates post the instructions.
    Technical writing is widely used in the fields of barbering and investment banking. It is used to make and present power points, email, ads, interpreting and simplifying balance and financial sheets, and more. Before I did not know all of this was technical writing until this class. One suggestion I have for your blog is to ask a thought provoking question that is in relation to your field. Thanks for your post.

  6. Hey Ryan,
    I like your theme it looks nice and professional. I can’t find any big issues with your post. Aside from the miss spelling that was already pointed out, the only thing I can think of is that you might want to clarify certain phrases such as on-boarding. It isn’t a big thing but it can make the blog easier to approach for someone who isn’t in a similar field. I do like your use of gizmodo as your blog example.
    In my field of electronic technology I use technical writing all the time. It comes in many forms from datasheets full of information on specific components to reports on systems and testing.

  7. Ryan,
    I agree with everyone above, including the reminder to spellcheck. The concept is that you get these peer reviews by Friday and then have Saturday to buff up your post in response to their feedback. I think the feedback is so good that I don’t have anything to add.

    As you know, you have seven days to revise (polish, buff–whatever word you prefer) then notify me via Moodle messaging to revisit your work.
    This is A worthy work, so I look forward to hearing from you–let me know what you chose to revise based on the feedback, okay?

    You’re looking very professional!


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